the yours truly program

Become your most trustworthy self.


Here’s what I know about you…

You’re a person who can find equilibrium, ease and joy when you’re alone. 

But add your spouse or your boss or your mom or your kids or that tricky neighbor into the mix, and before you know it, you find yourself feeling more trapped or resentful or unseen than you’d like. 

So you say the jab, or take the high road, or stuff your feelings.

And you start dreaming about running away and living alone in a little cabin in the middle of nowhere where no one knows you or needs anything from you. 

The most frustrating part is you’ve done too much therapy and have too much self-awareness for it to still be this way. You know better. 

You know, it feels like your insides don’t match your outsides. And you’re no longer willing to tolerate that.

Yours Truly™ is a comprehensive online program that will give you the tools and understanding necessary to not just know better, but to do better.

It’s designed to help you move from cerebral to embodied living, from conditioning to realness, from self-sufficiency to sufficient self, and from untrustworthy to yourself to trustworthy to yourself.

You’ll have everything you need to have a life where you have the conviction, courage, and competence to be true to yourself and your values in your relationships and in the world. 

You deserve that, my dear.

Yours truly,


Join the hundreds of people (just like you!) who’ve done this transformational work.


Yours Truly™ will help you…

  • learn to balance your body, brain and nervous system

  • make decisions and take action as if your needs mattered

  • feel more at home in your own skin

  • deepen your relationships with friends, colleagues, and family

  • enjoy more closeness and harmony in your romantic relationship(s)

  • become more accepting of others and their differences

  • act with integrity and confidence in all your interactions with people

  • be in your body, heart and spirit more and in your mind, anxiety and fear less

Yours Truly™ is unlike any other program.

Yours Truly brings together the practices and theory of embodiment and nervous system regulation along with cutting edge education in social, emotional and relational education. 

It’s designed to not only teach you how to have healthy and fulfilling relationships with yourself and others, but also to address the part of you who keeps you stuck in your not-so-healthy-and-fulfilling old relational habits (hint: your nervous system)!

The program includes:

  • Expert learning design through over 50 short and informative videos that build upon one another

  • Worksheets and handouts to support you in applying what you learn to your life 

  • Incorporation practices to help you embody key learnings

  • Weekly emails to accompany you through your learning and keep you on track. (The average learner takes 2-3 months to complete the program.)

  • Invitation to participate in monthly group coaching calls with Jay for coaching, community and connection around the Yours Truly curriculum

Hear from a Yours Truly participant about her experience.


Is this for you?

Here is a simple way to assess if this program is a good fit for you…


Yours Truly™ IS for you if:

  • You’re in a new job or relationship, newly sober, or just newly and truly fed up with old patterns—and you want to make sure old behaviors don’t keep showing up

  • You have a lot of self-awareness and emotional intelligence, but it doesn’t translate into your actions as much as you’d like it to

  • You understand that deep personal change is on a dimmer switch, not an on-off switch

  • You’ve been running a marathon against your inner voices and you want to rest

  • You’re tired of doing all the work in your relationships

  • You’d like to stop being loyal to others at your own expense

  • You are ready to strengthen your relationships

Yours Truly™ is NOT for you if:

  • You are in crisis or trauma or feeling unstable

  • You have urgency around wanting a magic bullet to “fix you”

  • You don’t see why looking at your past or feeling your feelings matters

  • You’re not interested in being real with yourself or others


Interested, but too much right now?

If you’re definitely interested in Yours Truly but don’t have the capacity or the finances to do the full program right now, check out the Yours Truly Mini Course: The Initiation.