feel confident in how you show up for yourself.

And stop the cycle of overthinking, people-pleasing, and losing yourself in your interactions.

When was the last time you felt a real connection with your partner or your child? One that felt honest and loving even if it was uncomfortable or challenging?

When was the last time you felt on purpose in your work? That you knew you were doing something that speaks to your soul and feels like your true work in the world?

When was the last time you felt like you were in charge of your life? Not in the "I'm in control" kind of way, but in the "I trust myself to make decisions, big and small, about my life” kind of way?

Feelings like these become available when you are able to regulate your nervous system so that you can choose how you want to show up, rather than acting (and thinking) based on unconscious patterns and social conditioning.

My method of coaching teaches you tools to befriend your nervous system and practical education to support you in building new relational skills and language so that you can work through stuck places and open to possibility. I’ll help you interrupt your patterns, express yourself authentically, and cultivate meaningful relationships by teaching you how to grow your relational intelligence. You'll not only enjoy better relationships, but the entire fabric of how you connect to yourself, others and the world at large will shift.

Think of it as an internal software update that replaces the outdated operating system you got for relating with a new operating system for relating that allows for you to feel at home in your own skin and to craft a life that is fulfilling and uniquely yours. So you get to be you, truly.

I also have two expert coaches who have trained in the Yours Truly coaching method and I can’t recommend them enough. You can learn more about them and reach out to them via the links below.


what does yours truly coaching look like ?

Regardless of what you talk about in your sessions (job, relationships, parenting, anxiety, etc.), I have two basic jobs:

1 To help you stay present to your body and to what you feel, both in terms of sensations and emotions. This allows you to access inner resources like resilience, compassion and knowing--resources that will help you be true to yourself, no matter the situation.  

2 To be a model of love and empathy for you in your process until you can reliably stand in your own love and empathy for yourself. We often tell our clients that our job is to show up as the healthy caregiver you may not have had so that you can borrow what you see us doing and give it to yourself. It may sound silly or simple, but you can’t underestimate how healing it can be.

On a more nitty-gritty level, the work you’ll do with your Your Truly coach falls into 4 different themes:

Staying With Yourself

You can think of this as "being the one behind your own eyes." It's a felt sense that you're in your body, not living neck up. I will help you identify felt resources that allow you to feel sensations and emotions in your body without getting overwhelmed or numbing out.

From there, you’ll start to get to know the different physiological responses you have to circumstances and people, and how those responses influence your thinking and behavior. You'll find that your presence is made up of many different parts of you, all with their own pattern of holding in your body, and all with their own agenda.

Becoming Comfortable with Discomfort

As you get to know the different parts of you and seek to be present in your body, you'll undoubtedly come across physical or emotional discomfort. I will guide you to consciously make contact with that discomfort and learn to stay with yourself.

It's in the learning to not act out habituated behaviors in response to that discomfort that you will grow discernment about how you act and what you say in real life situations. This is the key to gaining freedom from triggers and replacing old patterns and conditioning with new ways of being that are in alignment with how you really want to be in your relationships and work.

Being Guided From Within

Having built the inner resources to be able to stay with yourself in a felt way even if you're uncomfortable,  you'll find the ability to be more in touch with both your vulnerability as well as your confidence. From that place you'll be able to speak your truth or make choices guided from what you know inside, and not guided by fear or by what others expect of you.

This is the part of the work that is about learning a new language; a language that expresses love and concern for others without ditching love and concern for yourself. It starts slowly at first, but each time you make a stand for you or say something you could have never imagined saying before, I will help you to really feel it so that you can grow trust in yourself that you know how to be there for you.

Becoming Trustworthy to Yourself

The natural consequence of learning to stay with yourself and to speak and act on behalf of your deepest self is that you can feel trust in yourself. You know how to set and maintain healthy boundaries and communicate your needs and feelings in a way that allows you to be in the world as it feels right for you. 

This trust in yourself offers a felt sense of calm, inner spaciousness and strength. It feels a hell of a lot like love. In this place you have agency over your own life and you are able to bring your best, most connected, most alive self to your work and relationships.

coaching, not therapy.

I'm often asked if what I do is coaching or therapy. Though the work I do with people is deeply therapeutic, it isn't therapy. My focus is on giving clients specific techniques they can practice in their daily life, and my approach is practical, relational and experiential.

My coaching is also integrative--if you’re seeking help with not losing yourself in your intimate relationship, you might also find that you can speak with more confidence at work, have more boundaries with your parents, or come back to a lost sense of spirituality and meaning in your life.

Since the practices address all aspects of you--mind, body, heart, spirit and consciousness--they will necessarily affect all parts of your life.

Rewrite the rules of how you show up in relationships, both personally and professionally.